Description:Of no conscience

Description:Of no conscience
My name: Daniel H. Schluckebier. I am slightly an aggressive person with a good sense of humor. Man on a mission with goals to achieve. I love spending time to myself or with weird and interesting people. I love writing and into artistic thinking. I enjoy creating new identities and tend to be multi-personalistic from time to time... Considered mysterious and random. Not to be annoyed or upset. Very easy going...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Brain Pills

Why does life have to be full of emotion?

Its like everyday something happens that we can't explain then we eventually change our personalities and act weird from time to time.

I had a damn opening in my head and when I came to think of it, it doesn't even hurt a bit in comparison to losing someone's friendship.
I am so tired of waking up every morning and have to take my medication which reminds me of the many people I have lost. Sometimes I ask myself, is it just for now or does it mean I have no right to talk to them again. Do I even care, and why do I care? At times I write poems that express much of how I feel, yet day by day I feel less.

Have I become numb?

I don't know, I live everyday trying to accomplish something, though it feels like its taking eternity to complete; Its not ever hard...


* Ice Queen * said...

yeah, why? But have you thought that we wouldn't be who we are right now if things didn't happen to us that change us? Would you want to be who you were before again? I certainly wouldn't.

Everything has a reason why said...

awww yea.. emotions, the ruin of man! i'm not exactly sure why we have these horrid things-joke- but i guess the big man out there had a plan for them.. i also know its what makes us human, what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.. it makes us a little better than the dogs in the field, and little less than the angels in heaven

Leonardo Melendez said...

A life without flavor is tasteless. I hate that feeling. Do you have hobbies? Do something goal oriented, career related preferable.

Leonardo Melendez said...

And for crying out loud, get yourself a female companion.

Tracy Tillett said...
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Tracy Tillett said...

We're humans, we feel pain, pleasure, hurt, have a conscience... we're the only specie who holds this gift; we should embrace it rather than questioning it.
Imagine if we were like machines, or ants, all we do is work all day, there is not laughter or love to make a day.

I ask myself, is it just for now or does it mean I have no right to talk to them again. Do I even care, and why do I care?

Sometimes, its forever, and we must live on without them in our lives, and yes, we do care, or we wouldn't even think about it.
day by day I feel less ... Is this what moving on feels like?

Danny, Danny, have Patience and a Positive Mind throughout the day.
I agree with leo, goal oriented, career related,and a female companion and I'm not only saying this because he has me, lol.

What more do you need?
Keep the friends around, of course.

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...

@:Priscie:Yeah I know what you mean and I wouldn't want to be who I was in the past. Though I know all that, i still don't known why I am feeling this so hard.


It makes us a little better than the dogs in the field, and little less than the angels in heaven

Danny: Interesting shit... LOL

@:Leo n Tracy:

I guess its just a stupid feeling that will take me sometime to get over with. Dude finding a girl here that i think is safe to be with is even harder and that makes it depressing. LOL

Then again there are the others that you would love to have a chance with but they just too damn busy and have their families to not make them feel lonely.

As for me I feel like I have the toy I love but my parents wouldn't let me play with it. Its like its not even there.

I have some good friends here but very little, the others are just full of crap.

I get my work done and I am fighting for something I want but all that have nothing to do with the way I am feeling.

Beth said...

You remember the mice on my window? I drew them in a moment that I need a breathe. I was sad about something (What was it?) and I was locked in my room talking to God about that feeling (yelling?). With tears in my eyes I picked up the cheap pastels and drew the mice with a very clear mind. They always cheer me up. The Big Man Out there (as Juds calls him) gave me the inspiration. He knew what I need. He always does.

Sorry Danny, but getting a girlfriend won't help much... might make things worst because then you have more emotions to sort out. That is just my theory.

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...


I had no Idea that those rats were there because you felt like I am feeling right now. Yeah I know what you are saying about not going into another relationship right now. kinda will make it a bit easier when I come to think of it. I don't know what to day now, maybe I need to go draw some rats. Interesting...

I know that the Big Man there for me tho, don't get confused....

Thanks beth and all you real kick ass buddies. Yo7u kinda changed my mind from killing myself. LOL J/K

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...


I had no Idea that those rats were there because you felt like I am feeling right now. Yeah I know what you are saying about not going into another relationship right now. kinda will make it a bit easier when I come to think of it. I don't know what to day now, maybe I need to go draw some rats. Interesting...

Tracy Tillett said...

Thats not funny Danny

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...

Not funny about what, drawing rats or killing myself?

Probably something Leo would understand about the way I talk...

Sorry Tracy...

Beth said...

If I didn't know you so well, I would be alarmed like Tracy. I understand you but c'mon, it really isn't funny.

I put up with it because I love you... plutonically but sincerely.

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...


I get it, I am sorry....

love you guys, I feel the love,really...

Leonardo Melendez said...

Rat on the window reminds me of The Departed.

Beth said...

Oh, yes... Leo has never seen the rats!
They are great. I am going to miss my room... CRY

The Reapers Boulevard

Is the journey alone in the long and busy lanes of life whereby everyone keeps loosing everything. Even those who gain, eventually loose everything in the end. Except the right decision that grants them eternal life(Giving their life to God)...